The hero's inventory is not infinite, so it is important to sell unnecessary items from merchants. As you level up, you can level up three of the hero's basic parameters: health, strenght, and magic. These are represented as constellations, where players select the appropriate perks. You can develop all talents simultaneously. The role component is represented by the absence of classes. Heroes can cook food and potions, enchant items, develop a farm, mine ore, or learn blacksmithing. The map consists of 9 major cities: Soliliud, Riften, Morphal, Dunstar, Windhelm, Winterhold, Weithran, Falkrit, and Markarth. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim online game allows you to join forces with other brave players to prevent the impending disaster. Take on the role of Dragonborn, who must stop the dragon Alduin.

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Download the Special Edition for FREE on PC. Ancient Scrolls 5: Skyrim features an open world, a huge number of NPCs, dungeons, cities, and many different activities.Įach player can become anything: blacksmith, craftsman, alchemist, thief, assassin, etc.д. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Download new quests, environments, characters, dialogue, armor, weapons, and more with Mods, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Free Download PC Game. You can pump up your character and attack other players, showing off your strength and dragon shout. Free-to-play online game option also includes confrontation. В Skyrim you can play for free on the pirate version with a friend, together traveling the northern lands on the Internet online.